Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Questions & answers

Tonight I spoke to my mom on the phone and she asked me: Where are you going exactly?

We have had a few questions this past month so here are a few answers:

We left from home (Rossland BC) and are hoping to get to Tucson, Arizona, early December. On bikes.

Our first big rest will be Moab, Utah where we will meet Ken, Andy's dad and paddle the Green River. Then, if we still enjoy living the life of cycling gypsies, we'll continue our bike journey down to Tucson.

We average about 25-30 miles (1mile=1.6km) per day. We take a rest day every 3 days or so.

We ride mostly on backroads. If there is too much traffic and no shoulder we ride the backroads of the backroad which is often gravel. If there's no backroad, we hitch a ride. So far, we've only had to hitch a couple of rides.

Our family has agreed from the start that if we are not having fun, we'll do something else. So far, it's lovely.

We eat pretty well. We shop at grocery stores along the way. We can carry about 3-4 days worth of food. We carry a water filter just in case.

We sleep in a 4 person tent, in campgrounds almost every night.

Andy is planning to do an art show down in Tucson in December.

Our long term plan on this trip is to fly to Costa Rica in January and travel around for a couple of months (not on bikes) and then fly to Cuba and bike there for a couple of months. (that could change...)

Then, sometime in May, fly to Montréal and back home in June.

Alors voilà maman! Un peu d'info.



1 comment:

  1. Merci Madame Martine. Tu as répondu à toutes les questions qui trottaient dans ma tête depuis quelques semaines!
    Je vous aime XOXOXOXO
